31 – Heavy Vehicle Toolbox Talk: Building Resilience

Resilience has been defined as “the ability to adapt and thrive despite experiencing adversity” [1].

Professional driving in the heavy vehicle industry is by nature a lonely activity [2] [3]. Loneliness and depression are among the most common concerns reported by drivers [4].

Given the number of hours they spend on the road and some of the remote locations they drive through, professional truck drivers may have to act as first respondents to road incidents [5].

This package contains:

  • A generic overview of Toolbox Talk Discussion and how it can be applied to work driving safety, including a step by step process to assist team leaders/managers and facilitators to lead a Toolbox Talk discussion.

  • Aid for the promotion of discussion

  • Topic background information and fact sheets

  • Discussion prompt sheet

  • Participant attendance record sheet

  • Participant self-assessment sheet

  • Discussion review sheet

  • Building Resilience posters

  • Supporting PowerPoint Slides

  • Building Resilience Video Link (access video here or contact NRSPP to download)

Author Acknowledgement

This Toolbox Talk has been developed in collaboration with Jerome Carslake (NRSPP), Jennifer Rivera-Gonzalez (MUARC), Grace Harries (NRSPP Swinburne Intern 2022/23), Manal Rizwan (NRSPP Swinburne Intern 2022/23),  Tim Roberts (FleetStrategy).

Toolbox Talks Branding, marketing and promotional videos were completed by the Swinburne Design Bureau: Dr Shivani Tyagi (Communication Design Lecturer Swinburne and Director of Design Bureau), Kai Djeng (videos and editing), Emelia Cox (videos and editing), Amanda Wang (videos and editing) Lachlan Tobin (marketing and communications), Lauren Gualano (branding and logo design).

Toolbox Talks Steering Group includes: James Zarb (Viva Energy), Craig Beikoff (BINGO Industries), Jim Sarkis (BINGO Industries), Mark Noble (Holcim), Daniel Brain (Toll Group), Adam Ritzinger (Toll Group), Peter Johansson (Zurich), Steve Power (Heavy Vehicle Industry Australia), Mike Mulligan (Qube).


  1. S. M. Southwick, B. T. Litz, D. Charney and M. J. Friedman, Eds., Resilience and Mental Health: Challenges Across the Lifespan, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
  2.  T. Iseland, E. Johansson, S. Skoog and A. M. Daderman, “An exploratory study of long-haul truck drivers’ secondary tasks and reasons,” Accident Analysis and Prevention, no. 117, pp.154-163, 2018.
  3. R. J. Hanowski, M. A. Perez and T. A. Dingus, “Driver Distraction in Long-Haul Truck Drivers,” Transportation Research Part F, no. 8, pp. 441- 458, 2005.
  4. Healthy Heads in Trucks and Sheds Foundation (HHTS), “National Mental Health and Wellbeing Roadmap,” 2021.
  5. Driver First Assist, “Driver First Assist,” 2022. [Online]. Available: https://driverfirstassist.org/.
  6. OzHelp, “Physical and Mental Health and Wellbeing of Heavy Vehicle Drivers in the Road Transport Industry: Risks, issues, and impacts,” 2020.
  7. Sax Institute, “Suicide prevention in high-risk occupations,” 2020.
  8. Bureau of Infrastructure and Regional Development Economics (BITRE), “Heavy truck safety: crash analysis and trends,” 2016 [Online]. Available: https://www.bitre.gov.au/publications/2016/is_078. [Accessed 2022].
  9. I. Radun, J. Radun, J. Kaistinen, J. Olivier, I. Parkkari, G. Kecklund and T. Theorell, “Suicide by crashing into a heavy vehicle: Professional drivers’ views,” Traffic Injury Prevention, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 826-831, 2019.
  10. R. M. Entman, “Framing: Toward Clarification of a Fractured Paradigm,” Journal of Communication, 1993.
  11. J. A. Kuypers, Rhetorical Criticism: Perspectives in Action, Lexington Books, 2009.
  12. L. C. Altobelli, “Sharing Histories-a transformative learning/teaching method to empower community health workers to support health behavior change of mothers,” Human Resources for Health, vol. 15, no. 1, 2017.
  13. Healthy Heads in Trucks and Sheds (HHTS), “Healthy Heads App,” [Online]. Available: https://www.healthyheads.org.au/app/.
  14. Injury Matters, [Online]. Available: https://www.injurymatters.org.au/.
  15. Amber Community, [Online]. Available: https://ambercommunity.org.au/.
  16. H. Ahl, I. Bergmo-Prvulovic and K. Kilhamm, Eds., Human Resource Management: A Nordic Perspective, 1 ed., London: Routledge, 2018.