This Resource Is Part Of The What’s On Your Mind? No Distraction Campaign.
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NRSPP Fact Sheet: Understanding The Brain In Relation To Distracted Driving

Technology has advanced very quickly in the past two decades. With this explosion in information, there is more information in our faces that we have yet to adapt to. As a result our brain is over-activated, treating information from the modern world as a threat such as feeling the need to check social media constantly.


Author Acknowledgement

This campaign has also been developed in collaboration with Jerome Carslake (NRSPP), Gabrielle Fetalvero (NRSPP Swinburne Intern 2019/20), Kristie Young (MUARC), Tim Roberts (Fleet Strategy), Mark Stephens (Uniting Care Queensland), Stephen Hehir (Australia Post) and Kym Bancroft (Queensland Urban Utilities).
