What’s on your mind? No distraction – Videos

This resource is part of the What’s on your mind? No distraction campaign.
Download the full resource pack here

What’s on your mind? No distraction — a distracted driving campaign by NRSPP

Road safety is a shared responsibility and therefore NRSPP has developed a campaign that can be executed across an entire organisation so all workers are safe on the road. There is a range of materials and guidance on how to best execute the campaign to engage workers in the topic of Distracted Driving.

Videos created by Tim Roberts at Fleet Strategy

Author Acknowledgement

This campaign has also been developed in collaboration with Jerome Carslake (NRSPP), Gabrielle Fetalvero (NRSPP Swinburne Intern 2019/20), Kristie Young (MUARC), Tim Roberts (Fleet Strategy), Mark Stephens (Uniting Care Queensland), Stephen Hehir (Australia Post) and Kym Bancroft (Queensland Urban Utilities).
