NRSPP Fact Sheet: Aggressive Driving – What Is Aggressive Driving?

This Resource Is Part Of The Travel Time. Your Time. Aggressive Driving Campaign.
Download The Full Resource Pack Here

Anger makes us feel more confident, leading us to overestimate our control and make stereotypical judgments. This can translate into our driving behaviour, manifesting in aggressive driving.

Author Acknowledgement

This campaign has also been developed in collaboration with Jerome Carslake (NRSPP), Gabrielle Fetalvero (NRSPP Swinburne Intern 2019/20), Kristin Cooke (MUARC Swinburne Intern 2019/2020), Caitlin Xavier (NRSPP Swinburne Intern 2020/21), Amanda Stephens (MUARC), Yacine Khouzami (Budget Direct), and Tim Roberts (Fleet Strategy).
