New online safety hub launched to support communities address local road safety issues.

The new Towards Zero Collaboration Hub is now live at:

The NSW Government is embarking on a journey to create a one-stop-shop of road safety planning information and resources for councils and local community organisations with its new online Towards Zero Collaboration Hub.

What is the Towards Zero Collaboration Hub?

As part of the NSW 2026 Road Safety Action Plan, Transport for NSW is developing a new online ‘Towards Zero Collaboration Hub’, a centralised platform to host resources and links to up-to-date information.

The Hub allows for knowledge transfer among councils to enhance local leadership and enable collaboration between councils, communities, local businesses, road safety advocates, industry stakeholders and Transport for NSW. This in turn will help deliver safety outcomes and facilitate local community action.

Local councils and community organisations will be supported to implement effective road safety strategies in their community as the Hub will:

  • provide information on accessing road crash data, research, training, learning resources and best practices in road safety planning, design, management and leadership
  • help users access communication to support driver behaviour change initiatives targeting vulnerable road users on local roads
  • improve understanding of the Safe System approach by providing resources to aid understanding as well as practical examples of how the Safe System can be applied successfully at a local level.

The Hub aims to support local councils and community organisations to deliver long-term focused road safety strategies within their communities, contributing to the NSW Government’s vision of zero deaths and serious injuries on the transport network by 2050. “The first phase of the rollout is focused on consolidating existing road safety resources and information, such as Local Government Road Safety Program Guidelines, road safety education and the most up-to-date crash data, in one place. This will make it easier for local councils and community organisations to access the information they need to take a leading role in road safety within their community.”

“Over the next year, we will engage with local councils, businesses, and community groups to continually enhance the hub to support them to take a leadership role in road safety at a local level.”

Who looks after the Hub?

Transport for NSW will maintain and update the Towards Zero Collaboration Hub showcasing the latest road safety strategies and case study examples to support local delivery. User insights, data and feedback from stakeholders will support site enhancement.

Why was the Hub created?

The Centre for Road Safety commissioned University of Technology Sydney in late 2019 to undertake preliminary research with local councils and relevant organisations across NSW to gain a better understanding of their current role in road safety.

The research led to agreement among the Local Government Towards Zero Community Partnerships Steering Committee (a group of representatives across OFFICIA L NSW Government, road safety focused community organisations, and research institutes) that an online collaboration and learning platform would be developed.

The Towards Zero Collaboration Hub addresses the NSW Government’s vision of zero deaths and serious injuries on the transport network by 2050 through supporting local councils and community groups to deliver long term focused road safety activities within their communities to support wider state and national objectives.

The Towards Zero Collaboration Hub is a key priority of the 2026 Road Safety Action Plan aligning with priority area, enhancing road safety in local communities.

What is the aim of the Hub?

The Towards Zero Collaboration Hub aims to enhance road safety in local communities – a key priority of the 2026 Road Safety Action Plan. By the end of next year, the Towards Zero Collaboration Hub will have the capability to facilitate collaboration and road safety partnerships by connecting councils with local agencies, community and industry stakeholders, road safety advocates and local business to design, develop and implement local solutions to road safety risks.

“No one knows local issues better than locals, which is why all these groups have a shared interest in being involved in road safety initiatives within their community. Users will be able to share knowledge and work together to problem solve similar issues occurring across various communities in NSW through discussion forums, webinars and workshops.”

Who can access it?

Currently, anyone can access the Towards Zero Collaboration Hub.

The platform is targeted towards local councils and encourages them to partner with local stakeholders including community organisations. Some of the information and resources provided on the hub can be useful to community organisations, local businesses, road safety advocates and industry stakeholders.

When the Hub offers its full functionality which is planned to launch in December 2023:

  • Local councils and registered organisations can request access to a moderated engagement portal attached to the Hub
  • The engagement portal will enable a community of practice, providing local councils and registered organisations with a platform to connect and collaborate through forum discussions, webinars, training and workshops. Users will be able to problem solve similar issues occurring across various communities in NSW.

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