We want to invite you to participate in our research project exploring how Australian stakeholders from a variety of industries respond to the factors impacting the benefits and challenges of autonomous vehicle rollout in Australia. (Griffith University ethics reference number: 2022/091)

Research suggests that autonomous vehicles (AV) will be internationally available by 2026, electric vehicles (EV) are an indicator of AV adoption, and blockchain technologies (BCT) are a potential countermeasure for cybersecurity threats. However, little is known about Australian stakeholder’s responses to the benefits and challenges of these disruptive technologies. We also interested in how AV rollout will impact areas including technology and cybersecurity, infrastructure, legislations, ethics, and costs. Research has identified factors relating to the utopian and dystopian aspects of AV integration in society, which is broad and lacking in the social aspects that relate to various stakeholder’s realistic views.

We would like to hear from people who work in the following industries that could be impacted by the AV rollout in Australia. Including, but not limited to: transport and logistics, research and design, cybersecurity, manufacturing, social planners or lawmakers, and government (federal, state, or local government).

We are hoping you could participate in a focus group with other members of your team. It should take about 90 minutes of your time and will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. If you cannot attend a focus group with others, we can also offer one-on-one interviews.

See the poster attached (to print) along with the information and sign up form online: https://www151.griffith.edu.au/redcap/surveys/?s=DXP8RYLX4L Please email [email protected] (or click the link) to register your interest in participating. The research team will then send out time and date options along with the consent form, which will also ask some basic demographic questions (e.g., age, profession), questions regarding your interest in technology, and experience with AV and EV.

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