Fatigue, including ‘drowsy driving’ is a contributing factor in between 16-20% of all road crashes in Victoria.

The Transport Accident Commission aims to reduce the incident of fatigue related crashes and fatalities this Easter with their ‘You Can’t Fight Sleep’ campaign.

  • This campaign highlights:
    • What Drowsy Driving is and the signs of drowsiness
      • E.g., Feeling sleepy, frequent blinking or heavy eyelids.
    • What to do to avoid drowsy driving
      • E.g., Plan a break at least every two hour, consider swapping drivers and pull over for a 15 minute powernap.
    • Where to find a Towards Zero SES Pit Stop over Easter and what you will find there:
      • E.g., Sausage sizzle (run by SES), free barista coffee, and games and giveaways for the kids.

We would greatly appreciate any support you may be able to provide in sharing and promoting the messaging to your networks in the lead-up and throughout the Easter period.

For more information see: https://www.towardszero.vic.gov.au/campaign/you-cant-fight-sleep


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