NRSPP is currently assisting the Centre for Accident Research and Safety – Queensland as part of an upcoming PhD project into fleet safety. This PhD project aims to examine the positive and proactive safety behaviours that work drivers may perform to ensure their safety and of their co-workers during their work duties. Being proactive in one’s safety while driving for work may involve:

  • Talking about work driving safety issues with your supervisors
  • Voicing concerns to your co-workers and managers when you see something unsafe
  • Suggesting improvements to the current policies and procedures on work driving safety

The research team are looking for organisations that operate vehicle fleets and are interested in hearing the opinions of work drivers and their supervisors on these proactive safety behaviours. The survey will take 25-30 minutes of your time.

Participants who complete the survey will also get a chance of getting into a draw for 1 of 10 $100 Myers/Coles voucher.

Please read the participant information sheet for more details about the project:

 To complete the survey please click the link below:

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