NRSPP Monthly Bulletin – February 2020 – No. 65
Welcome to the latest newsletter from the National Road Safety Partnership Program (NRSPP). NRSPP is a government-supported, industry-led collaborative network which aims to support Australian businesses and organisations to develop a positive road safety culture and help protect their workers and the public, not only during work hours, but also when staff are ‘off-duty’.
This Edition Will Cover:
- NRSPP Achievements
- NRSPP News
- NRSPP Monthly Focus
- NRSPP Blog
- NRSPP Resources
- Events
- Useful Webpages
NRSPP Achievements February 2020
- NRSPP has joined with Budget Direct to feature their recent January survey of 1000 adult Australian drivers and their attitudes to texting whilst driving.
- NRSPP is in the final stages of settling the contracts for its new home which will be with Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC). Once these are signed a formal announcement will be made. The transition represents far great opportunity as NRSPP will have access to and support of Australia’s largest university, renowned for its outstanding teaching, transformative research, international reach and extensive alumni network (now extending to more than 300,000 members around the world).
- The Austroads Suicide in Road Transport (SiRT) has formally commenced work with the contracts currently being signed and will be delivered by NRSPP through MUARC.
- NRSPP’s 19th Tool Box Talk is now live: Driving in Poor Visibility Tool Box Talk