NRSPP Annual Report 2022-23


Judith Charlton | Independent Chair of NRSPP

Mid-2023 marks the end of my first full year as Independent Chair and there are many achievements to acknowledge and celebrate as the NRSPP continues to shape the culture of road safety in the workplace. It is particularly encouraging to see the Program’s work has been acknowledged in the Federal Government’s current National Road Safety Action Plan, which underlines the high value placed on the NRSPP’s impact.

It has been a pleasure to work with our many partner representatives through the Steering Committee, special Projects and Forums. We have welcomed several new partners, hosted webinars, developed new resources, distributed fact sheets, and contributed to national conferences. There are several completed large scale projects, including Suicide in Road Transport Prevention (SRTP) and the Heavy Vehicle Toolbox Talks. It is pleasing to note the wide distribution and uptake of these significant activities and I commend you to review the full Austroads Reports and the HVTBT resources.

On the international front, we are delighted to confirm a reciprocal membership with the Global Road Safety Partnership, based in Geneva. We also congratulate the Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency on  the launch of a Work-Related Road Safety Focus Program, an adaptation of the NRSPP.

The Agency has secured $25 million from NZ government funding to support their program over three years. We look forward to progressing mutual goals with these important new partner organisations as we share relevant challenges, activities and resources.

It is rewarding to know that the Australian adaptation of Transport for London’s Construction Logistics and Community Safety (CLOCS) program is reaching maturity as CLOCS-Australia’s Technical Groups finalise the Standard, audit framework, supporting tools and a new governance model for the future.

The NRSPP has been championing the Construction Logistics and Community Safety (CLOCS) program since 2016. The objective of the program is to ensure the safest construction vehicle journeys and improve the efficiency of their deliveries. Congratulations to the Team and partner representatives who have committed to the successful development of this program and secured a new host and seed funding for the future, as CLOCS-A launches out on its own.

The Utilities Forum continues to make its mark on improving safety standards and practices in the sector. An exciting future focus will be on a new, subscription-based, self-sustaining model which will incorporate a formal benchmarking focus.

It is my pleasure to commend to you this Annual Report as a year-in-review, describing another highly successful year for the NRSPP. I acknowledge the commitment of all the NRSPP team and partners in contributing to the significant achievements of 2022-2023.

Download the full  NRSPP Annual Report 2022-23 below.