Please note to download the guide you will need to register on the Fleet News website

Fleet Auto New has launched a Novated Leasing Guide to help people understand the affordability and financial benefits of novated leasing.

Its the complex nature of PAYG, GST and FBT that create the benefit, and tends to stop people from investigating further. Its also because the savings seem too good to be true. And as the old saying goes ‘If it looks too good, it probably is’.

But the savings available through novated leasing are real.

To explain the complexities this guide contains several articles covering the basics of novated leasing through to more complex issues such as FBT, ECM and luxury vehicles.

It also provides a list of vehicles to help you with your initial investigation when considering a number of vehicle finance options. The data on each vehicle is not comprehensive. It’s a sample of the information you’ll see on a novated leasing quote and highlights the financial savings that are available.

There’s a broad range of vehicles with an indicative monthly lease rental on each one. This is because most of us desire cars that are beyond our financial reach, when looking at the initial purchase price, though when presented as fixed monthly cost you may be able to put the one you want in your driveway.

If you are considering a novated lease now or in the future this guide is for you. It shows the key financial components you should consider in the process of selecting the right vehicle for your lifestyle, family size or stage in life.

The guide is also for the person within an organisation that gets asked all the car questions. It may be the fleet manager or in 2016 it could be Human Resources, Finance or Procurement. If this is you, please share this guide with your colleagues to help them better understand the benefits and vehicle affordability offered through a novated lease.

If nothing else, the guide can be used to dream about the car you would own if money was no object.