The following description was taken from CLOCS: Joint letter from leaders in construction

We, the leaders of five of the UK’s biggest professional and trade bodies in the built environment sector with collective membership of 100,000 professionals, are collectively asking you and every UK local authority and mayoralty, to take collective consistent action to prevent further tragic collisions between construction vehicles and your community.

CLOCS works. When councils and industry work together to adopt the Construction Logistics and Community Safety (CLOCS) Standard, we all save lives and money. Simple low cost defined actions by planners, construction clients, and principal contractors consistently reduce collisions by 47%, within 2 years, reduce complaints by 37% and reduce construction and fleet operator costs too. The CLOCS Standard was developed by over 100 businesses and regulators working together; over 350 companies and organisations are already CLOCS Champions, each co-investing a small amount to collaboratively achieve great things together.