Through the use of Intelligent Transport Systems technology, it is aimed to deliver safer, more efficient and environmentally sustainable transport solutions. CARRS-Q operates Queensland’s first advanced driving simulator, enabling the study of human behaviour in different driving conditions, with a high degree of realism, but free of crash risk.

THE Intelligent Transport Systems FACTS

What is Intelligent Transport Systems?

  • The term Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) refers to information and communication technology (ICT)  applied to transport infrastructure and vehicles to improve safety, efficiency, productivity, travel reliability, informed travel choices, environmental performance and network operation resilience.
  • Interest in Intelligent Transport Systems has been motivated by considerable advances in ICT, growing pressures of congestion and road trauma brought about by increased motorisation and urbanisation worldwide.
  • Intelligent transport systems vary in complexity. They can include simple systems such as: car navigation; intelligent speed adaptation; railway crossing warning systems; variable message signs; and automatic number plate recognition or speed cameras to monitor applications such as security CCTV systems. They also range to more advanced applications such as cooperative systems that integrate live data and feedback from a number of sources, including other vehicles,  weather information and traffic  monitoring systems.
  • Through the use of Intelligent Transport Systems technology, it is aimed to deliver safer, more efficient and environmentally sustainable transport solutions.

The Australian Intelligent Transport Systems situation

  • Although there have been significant improvements in Australia’s road toll, every year a substantial number of people die and many more are severely affected by road crash-related injuries.
  • During the 12 months ended March 2012, 1,301 people were killed in Australian road crashes. This represents an 2% decrease from the previous 12month period.1
  • Australia’s ongoing high road toll presents a critical challenge to all of us.
  • The  National Road Safety Strategy 2011 -2020 2 is based on the “Safe System” approach and revolves around safe roads, safe speeds, safe vehicles and safe people.
  • Intelligent Transport Systems solutions may provide valuable tools for assisting to reach the National Road Safety Strategy’s vision: “No person should be killed or seriously injured on Australia’s roads”.