Enhanced Crash Investigation Study (ECIS) – TAC
In 2014, TAC invested $8 million in the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) Enhanced Crash Investigation Study (ECIS). This is to contribute to TAC’s goal to reduce road trauma by 30% by 2022.
The research dives into over 400 serious injury road crashes in meticulous detail, to understand the causes of the incidents. Investigating more than 5000 pieces of individual information relating the 400 crashes, it draws on these to reveal the main points in their occurrences and the casualties that follow.
The incidents which were investigated were spread across Victoria, and took place between August 2014 and December 2016. Every crash was examined on a forensic level, combined with interviews conducted by research nurses to gain insight from the drivers or their families. In addition, crash investigation teams also investigated the scene of each incident and the vehicles involved.
Watch the TAC – Enhanced Crash Investigation Study (ECIS) Symposium here: