The following description was taken from Heavy Vehicle Safety Equipment Specifications – Vulnerable Road User Safety :

Contract conditions relating to the safety of Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) have recently been included in contracts for the construction of Major Government Projects in Victoria. Vulnerable Road Users are defined as pedestrians, cyclists, and motor cyclists.

The contract conditions require:

  1. Specialist VRU safety equipment to be fitted to heavy vehicles carrying out work on the Major Projects; and
  2. Drivers of heavy vehicles working on the Major Projects to be trained in relation the safety of VRU.

Contractual inclusions differ slightly in each of the Government contracts however the intent is similar and is expressed below:

  1. Safe Vehicles- Specialist VRU Equipment ensure heavy vehicles used in the carrying out of contract activities:
    a. have side under-run protection;
    b. have front, rear and side blind-spots eliminated or minimised through the use of direct and indirect vision aids, sensors and audible or visual driver alerts;
    c. have audible means of warning other road users of a left-turn manoeuvre; and
    d. have prominent signage on the vehicle warning cyclists and other road users of the dangers of manoeuvring past the inside of the vehicle or getting too close to the vehicle.
  2. Safe People – Training
    Heavy vehicle drivers working on the Major Projects undertake training and continuous professional development covering the safety of VRU and on-road hazard awareness. The training is to include a mix of theoretical, practical and on the job training.