The NRSPP Respect Traffic Controllers campaign focuses on humanising traffic controllers to facilitate road users’ empathy and safe interactions. Our goal is to minimise abuse directed at traffic controllers as they are here to make our roads safer. Evidence-based research was used to guide the campaign by compiling and reviewing relevant literature. A key finding reported that 54% of road workers received verbal or physical abuse from a member of the public while working (Australian Road Research Board, 2023). We found drivers believe they’re taking caution and slowing down enough when passing road works (Nilsson & Nyberg, 1997). However, in reality 49.4% of vehicles exceed the temporary speed limit of 20 km/h or more (Paolo, 2012). Reviewing the literature revealed that road users disobey road work rules because they don’t understand the danger. The campaign utilises these findings to encourage road users to respect traffic controllers.

The 2023 topic is traffic controllers. To build respect for traffic controllers, their voices need to be heard. Sharing their stories about abuse and mistreatment from road users is the most effective way to accomplish this goal. This will allow road users to empathise with traffic controllers and will be a conversation starter to encourage change in the industry. To highlight their issues we interviewed traffic controllers to gain their insights. This demonstrates the road is their workplace and no workplace should be facing abuse. The campaign will be launched during Road Safety Week on May 15. NRSPP will promote the campaign the following week from May 22–28, and encourage our industry partners and stakeholders to do the same.

What is included in this campaign?

  • 8x Fact Sheets
  • 10x Posters
  • 10x Social Media Posts
  • 5x Full Videos
  • 3 x Short Videos
  • 1x Facilitator Guide

Check out the full campaign here.

A special thank you to:

Altus Traffic Australia
Ioni Lewis, Professor at CARRS-Q
Chloe Robertson, Policy Officer at Roads Australia
Royce Christie, Director – Policy at Roads Australia
Matthew Bereni, Chief Executive Officer of TMAA
Dr. Natalie Flatt Ph.D, Co-founder and CEO of Connect Group Services, Innovation Lead at Superfriend
– Dr Shivani Tyagi Communication Design Lecturer Swinburne University of Technology and Director of Swinburne Design Bureau
Brett Rutledge, Strategic Director at SENSEMAP®
Graham Milkins, Creative Director at SENSEMAP®
Barbara Minuzzo, Coordinator of the International Safety Media Awards
Tim Roberts Executive Director – Fleetstrategy