This paper presents latest available Australian and international statistics on the road safety of young adults. Selected
key results are:

  • In developed countries, road crashes account for around a quarter of all deaths in the 15–24 years age group.
  • World-wide, this age group is over-represented in road crashes, with a population based annual fatality rate over 50% higher than for other age groups.
  • During the last five years, road crash outcomes in this age-group have improved significantly faster than most other ages. In Australia fatalities are now 29% lower than five years ago.
  • All Australian jurisdictions have achieved reductions in the last five years.
  • The highest period for risk is shortly after licensure, and continues up to age 24.
  • Males are over-represented in road crash fatalities generally, and even more so in young adult fatalities.
  • In fatal crashes, young adults usually die as an occupant of a vehicle (77%), and often (67%) in single vehicle crashes.
  • Comparing fatal road crashes involving the deaths of young adults with the total, the former are skewed towards the weekend and night-time hours.