
Yarri Road is a public road 20km north east of Kalgoorlie and supports some 400 to 500 vehicles travelling to and from mine sites daily. The road is only sealed for the first 19km to a width of 7.4m with the remainder of the road being a gravel surface.

Black Swan Nickel and Kanowna Belle mining companies came together in partnership with Local and State Government to share responsibility and implement road safety on Yarri Road. The partnership has already achieved a number of key outcomes including a safe system audit, regular speed monitoring and education programs for employees. Partners also reached out to a number of key stakeholders including the Kalgoorlie Police, the Regional Road Safety Group and other mining companies. In February 2009, parent company Norilsk Nickel closed Black Swan Nickel, which unfortunately meant the partnership also went into a hiatus. As of September 2009, the remaining partners have renewed their interest in following through with their previous road safety actions and commitments.