Vehicle Incident Reporting Booklet and Form


  • Minimise further harm and risk to 1) yourself, then 2) others. Make the scene safe.
  • Beware of other traffic. It may be safest to remain seat belted and in your vehicle, otherwise keep well
    clear of traffic lanes or where a vehicle may swerve to avoid hazards.
  • Provide advance warning if safe to do so – use hazard lights, headlights, warning beacons and traffic
  • Immobilise vehicles if safe to do so (eg. apply park brakes and/or chock wheels).
  • Call 000 (or 112) if you require police, fire, ambulance.
  • Keep injured persons still and in vehicles unless in immediate danger.
  • Maintain an airway in unconscious persons by tilting head rearwards – avoid sideways movement. DRABCD and lateral recovery position.
  • Now is not the time to lay blame and discuss fault or what happened.

Once safety has been ensured, incident details can be collected using this booklet.

The information is ordered so that the most transient information is collected first. Work through and answer
the questions in order. Leave blank and responses you don’t know or for which there is no appropriate answer.