
Motorcyclists are a unique road user group with specific characteristics. Motorcycles are very manoeuvrable, but their distinctive grip and balance requirements in combination with a range of other factors mean that they are at a higher risk of being involved in a collision.

This Urban Motorcycle Design Handbook sets out the key highway design requirements for motorcycle safety in London and has been developed with input from stakeholder groups. Using this Handbook will
lead to a better understanding of how road and traffic conditions affect motorcyclists and how risks can be reduced and hazards minimised for this vulnerable road user group.

The key design issues for motorcyclists, as outlined in the handbook, are:

  •  Factors affecting grip
  •  Issues around visibility
  • Road-side features
  • Traffic calming
  • Filtering

The aim of the handbook is to enhance understanding of the issues for all concerned with the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of London’s streets or with any schemes that affect the highway. It is intended to complement other guides to best practice including the Institute of Highway Engineers Guidelines for Motorcycling (IHE, 2014).