Advanced driver training programs are currently popular; however, the degree to which they reduce young driver crash involvement remains ambiguous. This report presents the findings from a review of the literature, the aim of which was to determine how effective advanced driver training has been in reducing young drivers’ crash involvement, and to identify key research gaps and limitations. The review indicates that various forms of pre-licence training have been found to be effective for skill acquisition. Some post-licence advanced driver training programs have been found to enhance either driving performance or drivers’ higher-order cognitive skills such as hazard perception; programs usually target these two skill domains separately. The evidence suggests, however, that traditional advanced driver training programs have not been effective at reducing crash risk for young drivers. Caution is urged when interpreting this finding, however, since the review identified major methodological flaws associated with the majority of studies used to evaluate driver training programs. It is concluded that these flaws raise questions over the validity of the findings derived. In addition, the use of crash rates as an outcome measure for advanced driver training programs is questioned. In closing, recommendations are provided for best practice when evaluating advanced driver training programs and suggestions are made regarding ways in which to enhance the efficacy of advanced driver training programs for young drivers.