What’s the safest form of transport: plane, bus, bicycle? And have restrictions on movement in 2020 changed how organisations view travel, and the risk involved? If nothing else, it has created an opportunity for organisations to re-assess their approach to workplace road safety, and their ‘risk appetite’.

This Thought Leadership features advice and experience from Saul Jeavons, Director of The Transafe Network Limited. As we face a global pandemic with COVID-19, many risk assessments need to be made regarding the need to travel, as businesses have had to to re-examine their approach.

A Blank Slate

Saul believes organisations should be taking stock now and planning for how travel will look within their organisation once restrictions ease, rather than waiting until that happens.

“The fundamental question for any organisation is what its risk appetite is. If what you want to achieve for your business is minimum legal compliance, that’s fine as long as you’re honest with yourself about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.”

So What’s The Trade-off?

“The first thing is decide what your risk appetite is, and then actually look at what the consequences of the trade-offs are. It’s about managing the risk to a level that you’re happy with given all of the other considerations, because there is risk in everything we do. It’s about being aware of what the risks are, being aware of who you’re putting at risk, how much risk you’re putting yourself and other people at and, in all of those decisions, is the trade-off worth it? Always ensure that any decision made is an informed decision.”