NRSPP Thought Leadership: Emerging Technologies


Technology is evolving faster than ever, in fact it’s often cited that the rate of evolution of technology itself is accelerating. The digital era has seen connectivity inside and between
adjacent industries skyrocketing, allowing innovation and progress at newfound velocity. What might be a slowmoving, uninteresting technology in one arena may be
cross-pollinated across to a completely different sector and become a major disrupting force. One clear example of this might be Uber: a unique combination of taxis and tradingpost style odd job employment, enabled by location-based apps, that has become perhaps the most dramatic sign of change in the transport industry. We’ve seen this cross-integration happen slowly in automobiles where development of video cameras, artificial intelligence, lasers, radar, electrical engineering, and computation have now all morphed into computer vision systems that are enabling the birth of self-driving cars — a paradigm-shifting advancement.

As these sorts of technologies enter the transport sector, awareness of their potential advantages can put organisations ahead of the curve. Three dominant regions of focus for transport evolution are: road safety, transport efficiency, and sustainability. Within these three kingdoms we can characterise almost all emerging technologies.

What is Covered?

  • Road Safety
    • Airbags
    • Automated vehicles
    • Full Self-Driving
    • Intelligent Transport Systems
    • C-ITS
  • Transport Efficiency
    • Ride Sourcing
    • Car Sharing
    • Bike Sharing
    • Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Platforms
  • Sustainability
    • Electric Vehicles
    • Rubberised Asphalt
    • Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles