NRSPP Q&A: Journey Management

Vehicle use is the most significant contributor to work-related fatalities in Australia [1]. An issue aggravated by the fact that the traditional workplace is quickly becoming more mobile, and employees are more likely to drive in congested urban environments and regional rural locations. In today’s work environment where faster, more competitively and efficient are becoming the norm, the demands on travel time are constantly increasing.

Additionally, professional drivers are at high-risk of experiencing stress and fatigue which reduces alertness and results in less attentive driving. Some of the risks when driving for work include fatigue, distraction, wildlife, and extreme weather among others [2].

Each type of journey has some inherent risk depending on
its characteristics, such as type of vehicle, load, timeframe, and route selection [2]. When making a road journey, careful planning can help manage those risks. WorkSafe identifies inadequate journey planning as a critical hazard that each organisation needs to consider to meet its WHS obligations [1].

This Q&A will address the question “What actions can organisations take regarding journey management?”

Download the full Q&A below.