About the Guide

The Load Restraint Guide (LRG) provides transport drivers, operators, and other participants in the transport chain such as freight consignors, as well as vehicle and equipment manufacturers and suppliers with basic safety principles which should be followed for the safe carriage of loads on road vehicles.

Obtaining Copies of the Guide

A full version (or individual sections) of the Load Restraint Guide Second Edition 2004 can be downloaded in PDF format below.

Hard copies of the Guide can be purchased online through Canprint

Load Restraint Training Resource Material

The Load Restraint Guide Training Package covering of load restraint requirements was also developed by the RTA NSW and can be downloaded for the purpose of training, reference material or guidance. The Load Restraint Guide Training Package – Facilitator’s Guide is designed to enable you to conduct an introduction session on the use of the Load Restraint Guide. The Load Restraint Guide Training Package – Student Workbook provides key learning information for the student.

If you are interested in the full training package containing the multimedia presentation, please contact the NTC at [email protected] providing contact details and information on intended use. Please note that this training package is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Roads and Traffic Authority NSW with the exception that it may be used for the purpose of training, reference material or guidance provided an acknowledgment of the source is made.