Industry Helping Industry: Reporting and recording near misses
A recording near misses factsheet from Transport Safety Networks in Queensland about reporting and recording near misses. See also: Transport Safety Networks NRSPP Case Study
One of the most common issues raised by the transport safety networks is how to encourage workers in the transport industry to report and record near misses. All operators in attendance agreed that ‘We can’t fix what we don’t know about’.
The transport safety network has agreed that the following information may be useful in helping industry to improve the reporting and recording of near misses.
- Develop and form positive strategies to engage the workers.
- Clearly explain to workers why you’re asking them to provide information about near misses. For example:
This information will be used to protect you and your co-workers from harm and prevent an injury from occurring.
- Provide a clear definition of a near miss such as:
- A near miss is:
- any event that could have caused an injury, harm or damage
- something that makes you react like when you hear the sound of air brakes locking or tyres screeching
- something that happens that makes you say or think:
- ‘I nearly hurt myself’
- ‘That was lucky’
- ‘I just missed that’
- ‘Oh *@#&!
- Just because something is fixed that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have to be reported/recorded
- Use open questions that are likely to encourage reporting and recording and always ask the worker if they have a solution.
- The critical factor is that you get the information, not how it is gathered. There are many ways to effectively gather information and it is important to consult with your workers to find out which option they’re most comfortable with.
- Options for providing information may include:
- phone calls
- verbal debriefs
- photos
- safety alerts
- It is important to provide feedback on the information gathered such as:
- action taken
- investigation
- decisions