“How to” Road Safety Manuals: Helmets

Unfortunately, in many countries the use of helmets is low. The World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention described how wearing helmets would save many lives. Consequently, the Report recommended that countries set and enforce helmet laws for drivers and passengers of both motorized two-wheelers and bicycles.

The purpose of this manual is to provide advice on how to increase the use of helmets within a country. The manual is aimed at policy-makers and road safety practitioners and draws on experience from countries that have succeeded in achieving and sustaining high levels of helmet use. It provides the necessary evidence that will be needed to start a helmet use programme, and takes the user through the steps needed to assess the helmet situation in a country. It then explains the steps needed to design and implement a helmet use programme, including: setting up a working group; developing an action plan; introducing and enforcing mandatory helmet laws; creating appropriate standards for helmet production; effectively marketing helmets to the public; educating children and young people on helmet use; and consideration of the capacity for an appropriate medical response to be provided following a crash.

Finally, the last section in the manual guides the user on planning and implementing an evaluation of the programme, such that results are fed back into programme design. For each of these activities, the document outlines in a practical way the various steps that need to be taken.


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