Hospitalised injury due to land transport crashes
njury is a major contributor to mortality, morbidity and permanent disability in Australia—almost half a million people are hospitalised each year as a result of injury, and a further 12,000 people die.
Most injuries requiring hospitalisation are the result of falls and transport accidents, while most deaths from injuries occur as a result of falls and suicide.
AIHW is the leading health and welfare statistics agency in Australia and provides information and statistics that can help shape and improve the health and safety of Australians.
This fact sheet focuses on hospitalised cases where a person was injured in an unintentional crash involving types of transport that operate on land. In 2014–15, nearly 57,000 people were hospitalised as the result of injuries sustained in land transport crashes. Of the cases where the crash location was specified, around 36,000 (64%) occurred in on-road crashes, and over 14,000 (26%) happened off-road.
The fact sheet contains information about hospitalised injury cases due to land-transport crashes, particularly those that occurred on-road. This includes characteristics such as age and sex, type of road user and the main body regions affected.
Click here to view their Quick Fact on Hospitalised injury due to land transport crashes