Fatigue Management Program
The State Transit Fatigue Management Program aims to proactively measure mitigate and manage the risks associated with fatigue issues that may arise within our operations. A key component of this process is compliance with prescribed legislated hours of work as mandated by the legislation and Transport for NSW Bus Operator Accreditation Scheme (BOAS) and the National Transport Commission’s Advanced Fatigue Management (AFM) Standards.
The State Transit Fatigue Management Program aims to proactively measure mitigate and manage the risks associated with fatigue issues that may arise within our operations.
A key component of this process is compliance with prescribed legislated hours of work as mandated by the legislation and Transport for NSW Bus Operator Accreditation Scheme (BOAS) and the National Transport Commission’s Advanced Fatigue Management (AFM) Standards.
State Transit employees shall conduct their responsibilities as described and in accordance with WI 50.09.01 – WHS Responsibility, Authority and Accountability Matrix (refer to this document for further information).