Towards Zero Together
South Australia’s Road Safety Strategy 2020

Download a copy of Towards ZERO Together, South Australia’s Road Safety Strategy 2020 (PDF 4.41MB)

This strategy is about every driver, every motorcyclist, every pedestrian, every cyclist all having respect for each other.

It’s about thinking safety and changing our behaviour every time we venture onto our roads.

It’s about admitting to ourselves that creeping over the speed limit – even just a little – is not acceptable, that driving after drinking is just not on, that running a red light is risky dangerous driving.

It’s about not taking drugs and driving, not texting, taking or making a mobile phone call in the driver’s seat.

We all think we’re good drivers. Most of us are, but we all make mistakes, sometimes only minor inattentive errors of judgement, momentary lapses in concentration – mistakes which can have disastrous consequences on the lives of those around us.

This strategy aims to reduce our annual road toll to less than 80 fatalities and 800 serious injuries by 2020.

We could go a long way to getting there right now if every driver and their passengers automatically buckled up their seat belts as soon as they sat down because one third of driver fatalities involved people not wearing a seat belt. The decisions people make when they get in the car are important.

This strategy was developed in a spirit of shared responsibility with contributions from South Australian communities, local government, road safety experts and interest groups.  It complements and supports the National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 and gives local expression to the vision and targets and discusses those areas where South Australia most needs to direct its efforts.

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