Central Station Main Works – Laing O’Rourke Case Study
Author: Daniel Deveney-Kelly, Logistics Manager, Central Station Main Works, Laing O’Rourke
Laing O’Rourke is a global engineering enterprise with 50 years of involvement in Australian construction and infrastructure including more than a decade under the Laing O’Rourke banner.
The business is currently delivering some of Australia’s most exciting projects across the transport, building construction, defence, airports, mining, civil and social infrastructure sectors and is committed to becoming the recognised leader for innovation and excellence in the construction industry.
Current projects include:
- Pacific Highway Upgrade – Woolgoolga to Ballina (RMS)
- University of Sydney Engineering Campus and Susan Wakil Health Building (University of Sydney)
- Parramatta Light Rail HV power supply upgrade (TfNSW)
- Sydenham Station and Junction (Sydney Metro)
- Central Station Main Works (Sydney Metro)
- Easy Access Station Upgrade, Transport Access Project (TfNSW)
- South East Programme Alliance (Level Crossing Removal Authority)
- Larrakeyah Redevelopment and HMAS Coonawarra Naval Operations Facilities (Department of Defence)
- NorthLink WA central section (Main Roads Western Australia)
- Armidale Road upgrade (Main Roads Western Australia)
- Future Submarine Programme Infrastructure Development Project (Australian Naval Infrastructure)
- Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative (Department of Defence)