Bicycle Safety
This CARRS-Q Factsheet explores the state of the road regarding bicycle safety within Australia.
- Cycling is an important form of transport and recreation for many Australians. It is accessible to a wide range of people and has significant health and environmental benefits for the community.
- 2010 has continued a decade of dominance with bicycles outselling cars each year form the past decade by over 2,000,000. Over 1.3million bikes were sold in 2010. These figures represent a 12% increase from the previous year and a 67% increase from 2001.2
- The sales of bicycles are supported by figures released by the Australian government indicating a 32% increase in people choosing to ride a bike in the same period.2 Over 1.9million Australians now cycle and 2008 saw the largest ever increase in cycling. 60% of Australian children cycle regularly and cycling is now the 4th most popular physical activity behind walking, aerobics and swimming.
- Australians are choosing the bicycle for transport, recreation, fitness, general health and sport in increasing numbers. The choice to ride a bicycle is increasingly broadly based on the entire population, not just the domain of the fit and sporty.
- Gearing up for active and sustainable communities: National cycling strategy 2011-2016 has recently been released. Signed by all federal, state and territory transport ministers, the National Strategy aims to double the rate of cycling by 2016.4
- In 2009, 10.6% of Queenslanders aged over 15 years and 56.3% of children under 15 years participated in cycling.