Alcohol and Other Drug Impaired Driving Prevention Initiative

NHTSA Launches New OTC/Rx Impaired Driving Prevention Initiative

September 23 – November 17, 2019

Impaired driving is generally associated with alcohol, prescription drug abuse, or illegal drug use. The use of legally obtained prescription (Rx) or over-the-counter (OTC) medication can also impair driving.

There’s more than one way to drive under the influence.

Many legally obtained – and commonly used – Rx drugs and OTC medications can affect a user’s ability to drive safely. For example, antidepressants, opioids, and sleep aids, and even cold and allergy medicines can cause side effects [e.g. drowsiness, nausea, blurred vision, et al] which can put drivers at risk.

Included here are sample press releases, draft op eds, and other materials that you can use to help prevent impaired driving in your community.

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