10 – Eco-Driving

Overview of Package

Tool Box Talks are an effective and cost-efficient way to communicate information and knowledge about work driving safety, health and safety and operational issues within a workplace. A Tool Box Talk should ideally take approximately 15-20 minutes. This Tool Box Talk Package is designed to provide Team Leaders/Managers and Facilitators with the required resources and information to conduct a tool box safety talk about Eco-driving to a group of employees within the organisation.

The package contains:

  • A generic overview of Tool Box Talk Discussion including a step by step process to assist team leaders/managers and facilitators to lead a tool box talk discussion
  • Aid for the promotion of discussion
  • Topic background information and fact sheet
  • Discussion prompt sheet
  • Participant attendance record sheet
  • Participant self-assessment sheet
  • Discussion review sheet
  • Eco-driving Poster
  • Eco-Safe Video
  • Supporting PowerPoint slides

Author Acknowledgement

This campaign has also been developed in collaboration with Jerome Carslake (NRSPP), Jennifer Rivera-Gonzalez (MUARC), Tim Roberts (Fleet Strategy) and Kyla Fantin (NRSPP Swinburne Intern 2021/22).