Overview of Package

Urban areas, where there are a high number of vulnerable road users, represent additional challenges and risks for truck drivers.

Slow down and try to anticipate sudden movements.

The package contains:

  • A generic overview of Toolbox Talk Discussion including a step by step process to assist team leaders/managers and facilitators to lead a Toolbox Talk discussion
  • Aid for the promotion of discussion
  • Topic background information and fact sheet
  • Discussion prompt sheet
  • Participant attendance record sheet
  • Participant self-assessment sheet
  • Discussion review sheet
  • Pedestrians poster
  • Supporting PowerPoint slides
  • Pedestrians video link (available here)

This toolbox talk is a collaboration between the NRSPP and the Construction Trucks and Community Safety project, Victoria. The Construction Trucks and Community Safety project is a multi-stakeholder project supported by Road Safety Victoria, Department of Transport and Planning, Victoria. Published in August 2023.


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  7. R. J. Jansen and S. F. Varotto, “Caught in the blind spot of a truck: A choice model on driver glance behavior towards cyclists at intersections,” Accident Analysis and Prevention, vol. 174, 2022.
  8. K. Jiang, F. Ling, Z. Feng, C. Ma, W. Kumfer, C. Shao and K. Wang, “Effects of mobile phone distraction on pedestrians’ crossing behavior and visual attention allocation at a signalized intersection: An outdoor experimental study,” Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 115, pp. 170-177, 2018.
  9. D. C. Schwebel, D. Stavrinos, K. W. Byington, T. Davis, E. E. O’Neal and D. de Jong, “Distraction and pedestrian safety: How talking on the phone, texting, and listening to music impact crossing the street,” Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 45, pp. 266-271, 2012.
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  11. T. Petzoldt, “Size speed bias or size arrival effect—How judgments of vehicles’ approach speed and time to arrival are influenced by the vehicles’ size,” Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol. 95, pp. 132-137, 2016.
  12. Victoria Department of Transport, “Meet HIRA,” 2018. [Online]. Available: https://www. vicroads.vic.gov.au/-/media/files/documents/ safety-and-road-rules/construction-trucks- and-vulnerable-road-users/hira-papers- and-presentations_180927-sydney-poster. ashx. [Accessed 2022].
