Who was the Motor Accident Commission?

Motor Accident Commission ceased operations on 30 June 2019. The datasets provided are for historical purposes only.

The Motor Accident Commission (MAC) is South Australia’s leader in road safety behaviour change and education, and is dedicated to the safety of all South Australian road users. MAC provides funding for research and projects that aim to reduce the number and impact of road injuries and deaths. MAC is also responsible for the management of Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance claims for crashes that occurred up to and including to 30 June 2016.

Recognition of the Motor Accident Commission as past Core Funder and  Steering Committee Partner

The MAC was one of the three original Core Funders of NRSPP other than National Transport Commission (NTC), when it was first established. Without the support, seed investment and vision in what NRSPP could become the program would not have existed. Other seed funders included,  Transport Accident Commission/VicRoads and NSW Department of Transport/NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority.

MAC was recognised as a creative leader  in the road safety space. MAC committed to funding NRSPP 2014-2019.

Thanks to MAC and Michael Cornish, SA Power Networks and SA Water both become NRSPP Program Partners and helped to found the NRSPP Utilities Forum in 2015.

MAC Core Funder and Steering Committee Partner from 2014 to 2019

Motor Accident Commission (South Australia)'s Contributions to the NRSPP & Points of Contact

  • Michael Cornish APMGeneral Manager, Road Safety and Strategic Communication

    The Motor Accident Commission (MAC) managed South Australia’s road safety communications program and Compulsory Third Party scheme.

    As well as delivering road safety education via mass media campaigns, MAC works closely with partners to deliver education programs, including within workplaces.

    With SA Police for example, a Business Driver Awareness Program is delivered. This is aimed at employees who drive as part of their duties and topics include the Australian Road Rules, road crash causes and the Fatal Five. MAC’s partnership with Bicycle SA delivers lunch-hour cycling safety sessions within workplaces. These provide best-practice cycling safety education for riders of any level of experience and educate motorists on how to share the road.

    These are just some workplace initiatives which are equipping road users with practical road safety advice, as well as influencing road user attitudes and behaviours.

  • Michael Cornish APMGeneral Manager, Road Safety and Strategic Communication

    The MAC was one of the three original Core Funders of NRSPP other than National Transport Commission (NTC), when it was first established. Without the support, seed investment and vision in what NRSPP could become the program would not have existed. Other seed funders included,  Transport Accident Commission/VicRoads and NSW Department of Transport/NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority.