Australian Local Government Association's Contributions to the NRSPP & Points of Contact

  • Kym FosterDirector - Transport Policy

    Who are the Australian Local Government Association?

    The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) was a Founding Partner of the NRSPP.

    The Australian Local Government Association is the national voice of local government, representing 560 councils across the country. In structure, ALGA is a federation of state and territory local government associations.

    Key activities include representation of local government on national bodies and ministerial councils, providing submissions to government and parliamentary inquiries, raising the profile and concerns of local government at the national level and providing forums for local government to guide the development of national local government policies.

    ALGA’s strategic priorities are:

    • Strengthening local government finances
    • Sustaining local roads, transport and other infrastructure
    • Improving natural and built environmental outcomes
    • Enhancing regional equity and regional development
    • Building capacity and sustainability in local communities
    • Connecting member associations and the Local Government sector
    • Engaging effectively in Australian Government processes