how to use this guide?

This document outlines a well-defined approach to help regional groups develop a regional road safety plan by following a four-stage collaborative planning process.

The stages are well structured and easy to follow. By following this simple process, a group can achieve consensus and move quickly to developing an agreed action plan that can deliver their community positive results.

Stage 1 – initiation – How will you initiate road safety planning in your region?

In this stage you are identifying who needs to be involved, size and scope of the project, identify local capacity available and also collect background road safety information for your stakeholders to help build the knowledge base required to achieve the project.

Stage 2 – development – What is the size and shape of the road safety problem and how will you solve it?

In this stage you will look at the regional road safety statistics and the localised issues and pose potential solutions based on the facts collected. This will result in a documented action plan that also includes how the plan will be evaluated. We recommend the use of the Swedish OLA problem solving method as a tool that may help the group in reach the required consensus for the project. The OLA method is described in Appendix 2

Stage 3 – implementation – Who will do what, when and how?

In this stage a consensus needs to be reached for allocated actions, identified actions are implemented and measured are put in place, when and where appropriate. Stage 4 – Review – 12 month review In this stage the group evaluates the implementation plan and measures achieved. The group will discuss how well it went, what worked and how the group can improve the project (for the future) in future going forward. This meeting will then link back into Stage 1 to continue the process.