Australasian College of Road Safety

The Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS) is the regions peak membership association for road safety professionals and members of the public who are focused on saving lives and serious injuries on our roads.
The United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 underpins Australia’s National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 (NRSS), and was recently praised by our Prime Minister as marking a ‘turning point for global road safety, (working towards) sparing people from avoidable deaths and injuries that cause so much anguish and cost for our communities’. The primary aim of the College is to improve the outcomes of the NRSS.
The College provides a rich, collaborative environment, in which we promote communication, networking, professionalism & advocacy across all spheres of road safety – including policy, advocacy, research, application & dissemination.