Join us for our webinar on “Understanding the Impacts of Road Trauma: The Effects on Professional Drivers.” We recognise that the consequences of serious road incidents extend beyond those directly involved, affecting families, colleagues, and society at large.

We will delve into the daily challenges professional drivers face, from near misses to life-changing incidents, and how these experiences can deeply affect their well-being and work performance.

Our primary focus will be to shed light on trauma’s profound effects on drivers and how it permeates different aspects of their lives. Additionally, we will discuss how employers can play a pivotal role in supporting their drivers by prioritising mental and emotional well-being.

The key takeaway will be understanding that what may not be traumatic to one individual can deeply distress another, fostering empathy and compassionate support among colleagues and employers.

Together, let’s influence positive change and create a safer, more supportive environment for professional drivers, who play an essential role in society.


Thank you for being a part of this important conversation. We look forward to an engaging and informative webinar. Join us to make a difference!