Vehicle Safety Standards – an Update

Event Details

Event Start: June 5, 2023 12:00 pm
Event Finish: June 5, 2023 1:00 pm
Event Location: Online
Event Link:
Organisation: Australasian College of Road Safety


Vehicle safety is critical to meeting our 2030 and 2050 road safety goals, and new technologies are constantly being developed and tested in this continually evolving area.

With a range of new Australian Design Rules included in the National Road Safety Action Plan 2023-25, understanding the latest developments and keeping up with international best practice standards is firmly on the agenda here.

Recently, the 27th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles was held in Japan, providing an opportunity for the global community to share innovative advances in motor vehicle safety, and encouraging international cooperation.

Join us in this webinar to hear a recap of the ESV, and the latest developments in Australia and globally.

Natalie Roberts – ABMARC

ANCAP – Carla Hoorweg
TAC – Blake Harris & Antonietta Cavallo 
CASR – Sam Doecke
DITRDCA – Melissa Cashman

A Q&A session will occur after the speakers have completed.