The economic strength of a region, the health and social welfare of its residents, and the impact on the environment are integrally linked to the transport system. Multimodal integrated transport is about planning transport systems to best serve the needs of a region.


The purpose of this course is to provide transport professionals with an introduction and overview to conceptual and applied aspects of multimodal integrated transport planning projects. This course will enable professionals to gain knowledge and concepts; understand what that means in their context, building on their experience; then apply these concepts to a practical case scenario.

This course will provide students with the opportunity to acquire or enhance the professional skills required to undertake multimodal integrated transport planning projects. The primary approach enables the development of skills and knowledge of leading practices across transport modes in the Australasian context.

How is this course provided?
This is a blended learning course with notes and reflection exercises, and an intensive two-day short course. Completing an assessment provides a potential pathway to a graduate program at the University of Southern Queensland. Transport Futures Institute provides specialist planning and technical education and training for transport professionals

Why should professionals do this course?
This course will provide the opportunity to acquire or enhance the professional skills required to prepare business cases for investment by being able to:

  • understand the key concepts of multimodal integrated transport in an urban and regional context
  • demonstrate understanding of current and emerging practices in transport planning studies
  • understand the challenges and practical issues and approaches in integrating multi-modal transport and how to deal with them
  • apply the multimodal transport planning process to the delivery of a planning study
  • evaluate the effectiveness of multimodal integrated transport process in the delivery of desired transport outcomes and benefits know where to obtain more information.

This course will help professionals to:

  • develop professional capability and competence
  • satisfy professional development requirements
  • increase productivity – in terms of return on time invested
  • enhance career opportunities by building key skills and knowledge

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