28th Australian Road Research Board International Conference

Event Details

Event Date: April 29, 2018 12:00 am
Event Location: Brisbane
Event Link: http://www.arrb2018.com.au
Organisation: Australian Road Research Board (ARRB)

The much anticipated 28th Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) International Conference, welcomes road and transport practitioners and researchers, to join us in discussing ‘Next Generation Connectivity’.

From the 29th April to 2nd May 2018 in Brisbane Australia, delegates will be treated to talks from world renowned experts on Intelligent Roads, Future of Asset Management, Disruptive Technologies, Platforms and Services, Smart Journeys and Human Factors of Transport. It is important to note that each topic area will cover the integration of theSafe System approach, and welcome all abstracts and papers on this important topic also.

Promised to be ‘the greatest ARRB conference to date’, this international event will bring together between 500-700 delegates to discuss the latest innovations and technologies, for maximising the total economic and social benefit of road infrastructure.

This conference is an absolute must for anyone working in the road and transport field – save the date today!

Call for abstracts is now open!