NRSPP Monthly Bulletin – June 2024 – No. 113
- NRSPP Steering Committee held its 27th Meeting which was kindly hosted by IAG in Sydney, key outputs from the meeting include:
- Endorsement of the new SafeTeams partnership int the NRSPP website which will enable a new user and organisation experience for the program’s Toolbox Talks.
- Approval for the development of developing a range of reporting measures for NRSPP Partners to nominate and self-report.
- Recognition of the new programs delivered by NRSPP which includes NTARC2.0 and Vehicle Safety Research Group.
- Review and approval of:
- Four proposals related to workplace road safety.
- “Are you Roadworthy Campaign”
- The program’s 2024/25 budget.
- The NRSPP Utilities Forum2.0 met before the 2024 Australian Fleet Management Conference in Sydney, the forum included:
- Australian Automobile Association explore how to communicate findings from their fatigue driver technology assessment project to organisations to know what approach best suits their culture, resourcing and systems.
- Graeme Bell of Origin Energy workshopped members on establishing a social license to operate telematics within a workplace.
- Western Power updated members on the heavy vehicle investigation project.
- Planning and reporting for the 2024 forum which is proposed to be hosted by Hydro Tasmania in Hobart in October.
- NRSPP Program Director facilitated a panel session on Talking Mental Health at the Bulk Tanker Day with Dr Sarah Jones of Driven Consultancy, Kent Barton of Booth Transport and Bernadette Nugent of Amber Communities.
- On the 25 July, David Jenkins will feature in the NRSPP webinar: Making road safety ‘fly’: A corporate leader’s insights and lessons from three decades in industry
- NRSPP Kicks off major project looking at:
- Grey Fleet project with Commonwealth Bank, Hireup, Super Retail Group and Uniting Communities updating and testing’s Grey Fleet Guide and developing supporting tools such as 10 Grey Fleet Toolbox Talks.
- Developing 20 Light Vehicle Toolbox Talks with the industry peer reviews partners from City of Sydney, Gallagher, Essential Energy, Super Retail Group, Vero and Zurich.
- Update NRSPP website to integrate partner annual self-reporting of workplace road safety performance measures.
- NRSPP to sponsor Best Submission with Implications for Improving Workplace Road Safety at the ARSC 2024 Conference | Road Safety Excellence – Australasia (